Peach Elhadidi

Digital Marketing


Photography & Videography


Graphic Design


Audio Engineering


Digital Marketing 🟆 Photography & Videography 🟆 Graphic Design 🟆 Audio Engineering 🟆


Hi ! My name is Peach and I’m a content creator and student at Virginia Commonwealth University, working on a bachelors in Kinetic Imaging.

If I’m not in class or working, I am participating in freelance and community projects with creatives all over the world who come together under the love of art. 

About Me

I’ve always been an artist: from drawing my pets in elementary school, to making video edits in middle school, to creative writing in high school.

My content now is influenced greatly by the media I consumed growing up, and that’s why I love making things so much ! Having an art-filled youth has turned me into a creative at heart.

Content creation has given me an outlet to express myself, whether it’s a personal project or a professional one.

I hope to spread passion through my content, and inspire others to create as well.




Let’s stay connected

Reach out about a project, collaboration or just to say hello!